You can enhance your looks and get rid of wrinkles by having injectable facial fillers treatment carried out at a good cosmetic surgery clinic.  Although the procedure is relatively quick, it can be painful. For this reason, the clinician will generally use a topical numbing cream or a dental anaesthetic block to reduce sensitivity in the area to be treated.  The idea of local anaesthesia is to make the whole experience of your cosmetic procedure as pleasurable and pain-free as possible for you.  Of the two methods, your clinician will usually ask you which option you prefer. Read on for a brief overview to help you decide.

Topical anaesthetics

Topical anaesthetics usually come in the form of creams or gels, making them easy and quick to apply.  They work by numbing the skin immediately above and around the area to be treated, effectively taking the sting out of the injection used to apply the facial fillers treatment.

All the clinician needs to do is to spread the product over the skin.  These agents take around 10 minute to work and have a moderate numbing effect.  Although the actual administration of topical anaesthetics is painless, it doesn't completely alleviate the pain caused during the injection of dermal fillers.  If you have a very low pain tolerance, this might not be the best option for you.

Dental blocks

The use of dental blocks for local anaesthesia is very effective at relieving the pain caused by the application of injectable fillers.  Dental blocks work by numbing the nerves in and around the area to be treated, thus removing any feeling and preventing you from feeling any pain.  Dental blocks are commonly used during dental procedures such as putting in fillings and extracting teeth. 

Unlike topical creams, dental blocks work almost immediately and the effect can be quite long-lasting.  This means that, although you'll feel no pain during the application of the injectable facial fillers, the numbness in your face could last for up to four hours.  You could find that this causes problems with eating, drinking and talking, but it is temporary.

In conclusion

If you're having injectable facial fillers treatment carried out for cosmetic reasons, you'll be asked about pain relief.  If you have a low pain threshold, it's probably best to go for the dental nerve block option, rather than the topical approach, which is best-suited to those who can easily withstand pain.
