Receding gums can be a distressing dental issue. It creates gaps between your gums and teeth allowing bacteria to accumulate and cause infections. Additionally, it amplifies your teeth's sensitivity and can eventually affect how your smile looks. Though this condition is difficult to self-diagnose, its symptoms include sensitive teeth, visible roots, and longer-looking teeth. In case you notice any of these signs, you should take action as soon as possible. Here are a few tips to stop further recession and restore your initial appearance.

1. Stop Using Tobacco

Any kind of tobacco use has adverse effects on the oral cavity. Chewing tobacco particularly aggravates the gingival lining and over time causes the gum to recede. Therefore, if you want to stop gum recession, you have to quit smoking or chewing tobacco. If you quitting is difficult for you, consider seeing a doctor for help.

2. Treat Gum Disease

According to several studies, gum disease is the leading cause of gingival recession. Gum diseases caused by bacteria destroy the gum tissue and the bone supporting the teeth. One of the best ways to prevent, counter and reverse the receding gums is to treat gum disease. Therefore, visit a dentist regularly for checkups as the dentist can help you prevent or treat gum disease.

3. Stop Teeth Grinding/Clenching

Grinding or clenching teeth frequently can put excessive strain on the teeth, leading to gum recession. Therefore, if you notice that you wake up in the morning with a headache or aching jaw, consider speaking to a dentist about the problem. Your dentist will advise you on various ways to stop grinding. Wearing a suitable night guard can also be very helpful in preventing teeth grinding from damaging the teeth.

4. Always Brush Gently

If you vigorously brush your teeth, especially with a hard toothbrush, it can cause your gums to recede. Get a brush with soft bristles and exercise caution when cleaning to ensure you brush gently without exerting pressure on the gums. If you have any doubt regarding your brushing technique, consult your dentist for guidance.

5. Try a Gingival Graft

If the recession is at an advanced stage, the best way to reverse it is through a gingival graft. There are varying types of gum tissue grafts, which include connective-tissue, free gingival, and pedicle grafts. During the graft procedure, your periodontist cuts gum tissue at the roof of your mouth (palate) and stitches it to the tissue surrounding the exposed root. After the surgery, it's advisable to avoid hard foods until you heal. The stitches are removed once the grafts have healed. 
