If you have just had a tooth knocked out for the first time, you might be really upset, worried, and unsure of what your next steps should be. These tips can help you out if you're dealing with a knocked-out tooth. 

You Should Consider it an Emergency

First of all, you should not put off taking care of this problem. Instead, you should treat it as an emergency. There are a few reasons for this. For one thing, the faster that you act, the more of a chance there is that the dentist will be able to save your tooth. Additionally, there is a chance of infection or other complications if you don't treat the matter seriously. Because of this, you should not wait until your regular dentist can get you in for a regular appointment. Instead, even if it happens on a weekend or late at night, you should contact an emergency dentist that will hopefully be able to see you as soon as possible.

You Should Keep the Tooth

If you don't know where your missing tooth is, then you should know that a dental implant might be an option for you. However, you can potentially save your natural tooth — and save quite a bit of money — if you do happen to know where your tooth is. Typically, your best bet is to place your tooth back in the socket that it fell out of and hold it there until you can see a dentist. If you can't wedge it in place, or if you are worried that you might swallow or choke on your tooth, then your next best option is to store the tooth in a small container. Add enough milk or saliva to completely cover the tooth to help increase the chances of it being salvageable.

You Can Probably Take Medicine

In many cases, when a tooth gets knocked out, it's a very painful situation. If you find yourself dealing with pain, you could be wondering whether or not it's safe to take medication to help with the pain a little bit. Unless you have an allergy or some other reason why you cannot take over-the-counter pain medication, then taking the recommended dose of an over-the-counter pain reliever can help you enjoy a little bit of comfort. Let your dentist know about anything you have taken when you arrive at the appointment, and consider asking for a prescription for pain medication if you think you need it.

For more information, contact an emergency dentist near you.
